The 10th Annual Mat-Su Plunge being held at the Palmer Elks Lodge on Bogard Road on Saturday February 25, holds special meaning for our Mat-Su Sertoma Club’s Charter President, Paula Nance. Paula will be taking the Plunge in 2017 in memory of her father, who passed this last April.
When Paula’s father, William Tharp Nance was just a teenager in Colorado Springs, his younger brother Leland became serious ill with what was eventually diagnosed as Tuburcular Meningitis. After extensive treatment and emergency surgery at John Hopkins University, Leland Nance, only 14 years old, miraculously recovered but was left completely deaf due to medical complications.
His older brother, Willian Nance later became an engineer for the Shell Oil Company, and joined the Grand Eagle Chapter of Sertoma as part of his commitment to his community and those with hearing disability. As a dedicated Sertoman for over 35 years, William served as the Grand Eagle, Colorado Chapter President and established a quarterly blood drive to support his local Sertoma Club, that is still in effect and carrying on today.
Paula Nance, a long-time valley resident, organized the Mat-Su Chapter of this national community organization committed to hearing health under the sponsoring Ambassadorship of her father in 2009. Having been instrumental in the organization and facilitation of this annual event, Paula has never actually Plunged. This year, she will be Plunging at the 10th Annual Mat-Su Sertoma Plunge in memory of her father: William Tharp Nance – a proud Sertoman..
You can support Paula and hearing health in the Mat-Su Valley by making a pledge on Paula online right here.