2014 Grant Recipients

Food 4 Kids Since 2010 Food4Kids (formerly The Children’s Lunchbox, in the MatSu) has been preparing and delivering nutritious meals and snacks to hungry kids in safe community environments. We involve the youth we serve in enrichment activities and encourage their volunteer work in our kitchens to promote a “making a difference” attitude. During the … Read more

Regular Meeting: December 19

Just a reminder about our meeting this Thursday.  We are working on committees for the plunge and will be providing updates of what’s been accomplished. Since Christmas in the fourth week of the month we will be having a special Christmas gathering being held on December 19th.  Bring a white elephant and come prepared to … Read more

Hearing Screen this Saturday

Thank you Jean Lindberg, Jim Vrooman, Tammy Parker and John Klapperich for volunteering to our December hearing screen.  BUT, calling all Sertomans to join them!  It’s a great time for training and service to our community.  November’s screening had more than 15 show up!  That means we need all hands on deck!  It’s 10 a.m. … Read more

No Second Meeting This Month!

The fourth Thursday is Thanksgiving so we will be skipping our second meeting this month!  Have a wonderful holiday with your family and enjoy good fellowship and food.  Don’t be alone, there are many who would love your company.

Klapperich, Sertoma & Palmer Chamber

Klapperich is Proud to Be A Sertoman at the Palmer Chamber of Commerce! John Klapperich will be speaking about Sertoma at the Palmer Chamber of Commerce on December 4th at noon. Klapperich is the Vice President of the Mat Su Sertoma Club and if anyone can get out the message, it’s him! The Palmer Chamber … Read more

Katie Joins Sertoma!

We were privileged to have Katie Millican with us at our November 12th meeting. Katie received one of Sertoma’s national scholarships while attending the Universtiy of West Georgia. While continuing her education to become a speech pathologist, Katie was encouraged to apply and was truly surprised she was one of the recipients. Katie said she … Read more

November 14 Meeting

Come join us this Thursday for our November 14th Mat Su Sertoma meeting.  It will be held at Tailgaters at 5:30 p.m. We will have Katie Millican, a recipient of the national Sertoma Scholarship to discuss how she heard about it, how it was awarded and how it has helped with her academic achievements. We … Read more

Lindberg attends Sertoma Convention

During the third week of September, past President Jean Lindberg was able to attend the Sertoma Mountain West Regional Convention in Tucson, Arizona. Jean is a Physical Therapist at Wasilla Physical Therapy and is a Certified Occupational Hearing Conservationist.  Jean volunteers the first Saturday of each month along with other Sertomans to provide free hearing screening … Read more

Hearing Charities

The Mat-Su Sertoma Club is pleased to be participating in the Hearing Charities of America’s efforts to provide hearing aids to low income families. Though not all aids can be reused, each and every aid helps provide the resources to repair or acquire other hearing aids. Hearing Charities and its parent organization, Sertoma, do not provide … Read more