The 2014 DVDs are here!
Got yours? The 2014 Mat-Su Sertoma Plunge DVDs are in! If you ordered a DVD at the event and have not yet received your copy, please contact us!
Got yours? The 2014 Mat-Su Sertoma Plunge DVDs are in! If you ordered a DVD at the event and have not yet received your copy, please contact us!
Mat-Su Regional Medical Center 2500 S. Woodworth Loop, Palmer Main Lobby 10 a.m.—2 p.m. No admission charge [wpfilebase tag=file id=10 /]
A limited supply of Mat-Su Plunge T-shirts and sweatshirts are still available. Sweatshirts $30 T-shirts $15 To get YOURS – drop by during a Sertoma meeting February 27, 2014 after 5:30 p.m. in the Tailgaters restaurant – and pick yours up! Also available during our Saturday Hearing Screenings at Wasilla Physical Therapy – 10:00 am … Read more
Best Women’s Costume Kelly Larson as a King Salmon 2nd place went to #35 Black Witch 3rd place went to #2 Phyllis in Orange Best Men’s Costume Warren Foster as “Moose” the Movie 2nd was #52 Weighter Man 3rd was #59 Ben from Indonesia Best Team Costume #40 & #41 Anonymous Bride & Groom 2nd was #64 … Read more
Thank you all for your efforts over the last hectic month as we once again made the Mat-Su Plunge a huge success! Next week’s meetings will get back to our 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month, at 5:30 p.m. at Tailgaters, as usual. We will be joined by guest speaker – our own – … Read more
Mat Su Sertoma Club President, Paula Nance, said she was happy the temperatures have turned colder but even the recent warm weather would not stop this event from happening. It would be the first year temperatures have played a factor in determining how to safely get everyone in, out and over the ice. Nance said … Read more
The banner is up! Check out the Plunge banner on the historic GWCC cabin the corner of Main and Parks Highway in Wasilla! Another benefit of Chamber membership is having access to this prime location that has more than 30,000 cars go by a day! What great weather for it!
Sertoma visits Chamber! Dedicated Sertoma members converged on the regular Greater Wasilla Chamber of Commerce luncheon to greet members and remind them of the upcoming Mat-Su Plunge. Remember we have a meeting on January 23 at Tailgaters…more exciting news and updates. Come prepared to have fun!
Our thanks to the Mat-Su Water Rescue crew for supporting and attending the 2014 Mat-Su Sertoma Plunge on February 15!
Thank you to our 2014 Media Sponsors!