UPDATE: August 30, 2017
Learn about Alyssa’s return to school after her exciting adventure at Gallaudet University’s Summer Youth Camp ‘Discover Your Future’ in Washington D.C., through this wonderful letter from her high school Deaf Education teacher!
Read more here.
Meet Alyssa Akers, a Colony High School student who was born deaf. With encouragement from her teacher, Sally Hoople, Alyssa entered an essay entitled ‘How has technology changed the world for the deaf and hard of hearing?’ in the Mat-Su Sertoma Club’s Summer Camp program. The club’s new program was sending the lucky winner of the essay contest to a summer program for the deaf and hard of hearing called Aspen Camp, in Colorado.
The Mat-Su Sertoma Club not only selected Alyssa as the essay winner, but when they learned that she would be turning 18 prior to the summer 2017 Aspen Camp session and therefore would not be eligible, they arranged for her to attend Gallaudet University’s Summer Youth Camp ‘Discover Your Future’ in Washington D.C.
Gallaudet University is the only university where all programs and services are specifically designed to accommodate deaf and hard of hearing students, and the club was thrilled to learn that Gallaudet is Alyssa’s first choice for continuing her education after she graduates.

In her thank you letter to the Mat-Su Sertoma Club, which Alyssa read in sign language to the Club’s membership at their January 19th meeting in Wasilla, Alyssa said:
“This summer, when I go to Washington DC, I’m going to be learning how to go to college, exploring potential different careers, and experiencing what exciting Washington DC has to offer. And I will be meeting people like me who can sign. I will not be left out.”
How you can help!
The Mat-Su Sertoma Club raises funds to support hearing health and other non-profit organizations in the Mat-Su valley through its annual fundraiser, the Mat-Su Plunge. 2017 marks the 10th year these brave souls will have plunged into Finger Lake during the dead of winter – Freezin’ for a Reason. You can take the Plunge, or pledge on one or more of the dedicated Plungers already registered for the February 25 event to be held at the Palmer Elks Lodge on B0gard Rd.
Learn more at http://matsuhearing.org or on Facebook.